Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Lingua-Land English Course I, Lesson 4 - The Mime in the Street

Tomoko and Ted are taking a walk.
Tomoko: Oh, look! Is that a person?
Ted: She's a mime.
Tomoko: Hey, she moved.

Tomoko wants to talk to her.
Tomoko: Your job seems tough. Do you enjoy it?
Mime: Yes, of course. I like to watch people. Many people pass in front of me every day. Some look sad and lonely. I hope to heal their hearts and ease their troubles.
Tomoko: That's great!
Mime: There are many jobs, but I think this is the best job for me. It's important to have your own dream. Do you want to do anything in your life? You make your own future. Don't give up on yourself.
Tomoko and Ted: Thank you very much.
Tomoko: She's beautiful, because she lives her life to the fullest.
Ted: I think so, too.

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