Sunday, 13 March 2011

Contemplating Disaster

I think the world is looking at the devastation in Japan in horror, and I'm with them. I couldn't quite connect to the tragedy at first (the BBC reported an awful lot from Tokyo, which was barely affected by the quake) but then I imagined what it would be like to be engulfed by water, losing any sense of where you are, and seeing your life flash before you in that instant. It's horrible to think about.

The quake and tsunami didn't affect the area around where I was living in Japan, and everyone I know over there is fine. Still, there are a few who have had trouble getting in contact with friends and family in the affected areas. I'm sure the country will be shaken up for a while.

But the Japanese spirit is a resilient one. They'll get through this, and the rest of the world is mobilising to help. It's good to see the international community rallying after a crisis.

And still, I want to go back.


Anji said...

It's just impossible to imagine. I hope that you do go back one day so that you can see that all of your friends are okay.

Rosemary said...

I immediately thought of you when I first saw this tragedy on the news, wondering if this was an area you had been in.

Jimijam said...

Fortunately for my friends who are still there, it wasn't, but in the way that people typically have friends and family living all over the country, there are few people who haven't been affected in some way by the tragedy.

I have some friends in and around Tokyo, but they say things are fine. the Western media's been going crazy exaggerating the danger outside of Fukushima but the reality is that people are trying to get back to normal.

Anji said...

Your post prompted me to write to an old blogging friend who is Japanese. Theu did have an earthquake but not as strong where she is living. She just had broken glass to clear up. The main problem in her prefecture was shortages of food and other supplies.